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Charity Fundraising Jobs

Fundraise for charities across the UK
A fundraising job is a very rewarding way for students or graduates to spend their working hours. Although the general aim of fundraising is always the same (raising funds would you believe!?) there are various methods and strategies used by different charities and trusts to maximise the amount of cash that they pull in from the public, companies and other groups.

A fundraising job could simply have you standing on the street in your spare time with a collection box asking the general public to hand over their money for the cause that you are supporting, or it could be a full time telephone fundraising job that leads to a management level position within a fundraising company.
Some fundraising jobs are on a voluntary basis – but there are also lots of charities that are willing to pay students and graduates decent money to be fundraisers too. If you can secure a fundraising job with one of the UK’s leading charities - such as St John Ambulance or one of the Wildlife Trusts - then pay could easily be in excess of £1,000 a month. And, in addition to that basic wage, bonuses or commission are often provided as an added incentive.
What do Fundraiser Jobs Involve?
Fundamentally, the aim of a charity fundraiser is to raise awareness of their charity and try to persuade others to make donations to it. Some charities hire fundraisers directly themselves, while others outsource fundraising to specialist companies such as Wesser Ltd, Home Fundraising, and Pell & Bales.

There are 3 main types of paid fundraising job that charities and fundraising companies tend to use:

1. Street Fundraising Jobs – generally consists of stopping members of the public in the street (normally in busy places like town centres) to explain what the charity you are fundraising for does, and then asking them to donate money. Some charities will give you a collection box to collect cash donations, while others will provide you with direct debit forms so you can sign people up to give a small donation on a regular basis e.g monthly. Donations can even be collected via mobile phones, making it even easier to get donations. Street fundraising jobs tend to involve daytime work during the week and at weekends targeting shoppers and commuters.

Wesser Fundraising Jobs

2. Door to Door Fundraising Jobs – basically knocking on the door of people’s houses to provide some background information on what your charity does, and then asking for a donation or direct debit commitment. Door to door fundraisers tend to work in the late afternoons and evenings when people are most likely to be home.

3. Telephone Fundraising Jobs – if you enjoy telemarketing then this is the fundraising job for you. Telephone fundraisers call members of the public on behalf of a charity to ask them to give regular donations. You could be calling existing donors asking them to increase their donations, or cold calling potential new donors to introduce the charity and ask for a contribution. Telephone fundraisers tend to do shift work which can be day time or evening work during the week or at weekends.
How Much Can I Earn From Paid Fundraising Jobs?
Some fundraising jobs are voluntary, but there are lots of paid fundraising jobs around. Payment structures vary from company to company, but here are some of the usual ones:

Voluntary – do it as a way of giving something to the charity.

Commission only – totally performance related. You get a commission based on the quality and quantity of donations raised. Earnings depend on how good fundraisers are, but are expected to be around £300 - £400 per week (working full time).

Basic salary plus bonus – a guaranteed hourly wage supplemented by a performance related bonus based on the donations you raise. The hourly wage can vary from £6.50 - £11 per hour, with a bonus on top.

Fundraising can be a very lucrative temporary full time or part time job for students, whilst at the same time helping to raise money for charities who do fantastic work around the world and here in the UK.
What Skills and Qualifications are Needed for Fundraising Jobs?
Charities and Trusts that advertise fundraising positions usually look for students who are enthusiastic and outgoing. Because communication skills and a pleasant persuasive manner are a bonus in fundraising work, anyone who likes to chat and loves meeting new people has the potential to perform well in this sort of student job.

If you prefer communicating with people in person, then face to face fundraising jobs such as street fundraiser jobs or a door to door fundraising job will probably be best for you. However, if you have a great telephone manner and are more shy meeting new people face to face, then you are more suited to a telephone fundraising job. If you don’t enjoy speaking to new people and can’t communicate clearly and enthusiastically, then fundraiser jobs are probably not for you, so have a look at our top student jobs page for other great job ideas!
No formal qualifications are required, and on-going training is generally given to help make you as effective as possible at fundraising.
Fundraising Jobs Look Great On A CV
Most charity fundraising companies train up new recruits, so if you are enthusiastic and keen to learn, you should pick up some great new skills for your CV. If you work in a fundraising job for a charity or Trust, even for a short time, then you should be able to brandish your CV with the following skills and qualities:
  • Communication
  • Hard working
  • Integrity
  • Persuasion
  • Initiative
The ability to persuade people is a great skill for any job, and you will certainly develop it in a charity fundraiser job. This can really help you stand out as a candidate in future job interviews.

There are also career progression opportunities within fundraising companies. Many senior positions are occupied by people who started out as street fundraisers, so a student fundraising job could lead on to a full time career if you are good at it and enjoy it. It is also a great option for graduates who can use it as a temporary job to earn money after graduating while looking for a graduate entry level job, but then may end up working their way up through the fundraising company.
When Are Fundraiser Jobs Available?
Full time and part time fundraising jobs are available all year round during the daytime and evenings throughout the week, and at weekends.

Working hours vary from company to company, with some needing full time fundraisers, while others offer part time hours during the day, in the evening, or over the weekend. Because a lot of companies invest in training, they usually look for a minimum commitment of 2 to 3 months from new recruits. A full time temporary fundraiser job over the summer holidays or for a few months during a Gap year is a great way of earning good money in a short space of time. Part time fundraising jobs in the evenings or at weekends are perfect for fitting in around your studies during term time.

Fundraising jobs are advertised all year, so you can apply at any time. Fundraising companies generally like to plan in advance so it’s a good idea to apply early in the year, even if you can only work over the summer holidays.
So, Where Can Students Find Fundraising Jobs?
Look no further! There are a range of fundraising jobs for students advertised on our site with charities and fundraising companies. Find the latest charity fundraising jobs at the bottom of the page or browse by city below to find charity fundraising jobs in your area and help make a real difference to important charities.
High Wycombe

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