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A Guide To Law Graduate Jobs

About Law Graduate Jobs
If you are thinking about doing graduate legal jobs once you have graduated from university, then you could already have your career mapped out in your head. Perhaps you want to aim for the top and become a barrister at QC level or even a judge. Others of you might be pondering a graduate career that involves working in law in another capacity and perhaps you are not even sure yet which are of law you would like to work in.

Competition for many graduate jobs in law can be extremely stiff, so, as well as excellent academic qualifications that go right back to GCSE level, you will need to work very hard to convince employers that you are the right person for the job. Whilst still at university, think about activities, clubs, placements you could do that could make you stand out above the competition when it comes to your application for law graduate jobs vacancies.

What about if you are doing a degree in a subject other than law and you decide, whilst at university, that you would like to consider graduate law jobs in the future? Well, there’s great news for you. No need to think that you have chosen the wrong degree subject and missed the boat.

To do graduate law jobs, you don’t necessarily need to be a law graduate. In fact, around half of those doing trainee solicitor jobs, lawyer jobs and even those who become barristers, have degrees in subjects other than law. Indeed, some degree subjects can better equip you for practicing in specialist areas of law in the future.

If you do want to do graduate legal jobs such as trainee solicitor or barrister and you don’t have a Law degree, you will need to kick things off by doing a postgraduate GDL (Graduate Diploma in Law) or CPE (Common Professional Examination). These can be done over 12 months or, if you prefer part time, two years.
What Are The Different Types Of Law Graduate Jobs?
So, you’re linking the idea of working in law once you graduate but what types of graduate legal jobs are out there?

As well as stiff competition along the pathway to becoming a barrister, it can also become costly in the financial sense so you need to be sure this is the route you want to take. The barrister is the person who give legal advice to solicitors and clients. They represent clients in court, speaking on their behalf and cross-examine witnesses.

To become a barrister, you will need a 2:1 degree, GDL/CPE if your degree is a subject other than Law, completion of BPTC (Bar Professional Training Course and then two 6 month periods doing a pupillage. If you have done a mini pupillage in the past, this can boost your skills and chances of succeeding in the future and demonstrate your dedication. A mini pupillage can be done whilst you are still at university.

Trainee Solicitor Jobs - Law Training Contracts
As a solicitor you will often be the first port of call for anyone who feels they may need some legal help. This could be required legal help in a variety of areas such as property, family, sport or human rights.

Again, competition to win places with legal practices - especially the top ones - is stiff, so you will need to be able to convince your future employer that you mean business. If you are looking to do trainee solicitor jobs (law training contracts), aim to do law vacation schemes whilst you are still at university so that you have some work experience under your belt.

Law vacation schemes are the law world’s answer to work experience and typically last around two weeks so you could so more than one. During these law vacation schemes, you can be paid for your work as well as receiving expenses. They are also a perfect opportunity for employers to meet you, as well as giving you some practical work experience. Employers often recruit graduates for law training contracts via vacation schemes so take these seriously. Make yourself aware of any application deadlines for both law vacation schemes and law training contracts.

Graduate Paralegal Jobs
Other types of jobs for law graduates could be paralegal jobs. Not all law graduates want to do lawyer jobs after completing university. Perhaps you are still trying to decide whether you want to do trainee solicitor jobs or maybe you just like the idea of legal administration jobs. If you are an organised person who loves order in the office and has good word processing skills, paralegal jobs could be ideal for you.

Graduate paralegal jobs will allow you to combine your legal knowledge with your excellent communication skills and administrative skills. You will assist those doing lawyer jobs in their specialist areas so you could still work in a legal environment that matches your interests.

Legal Recruitment Consultant Jobs
Have you thought about legal jobs in legal recruitment? Quite often, legal recruitment companies will require you to be a law graduate to do these types of law jobs. Recruitment is fast paced and all about finding the right people to fill vacancies for legal jobs. If you think you are good at building relationships with people and working under pressure to meet targets, graduate law jobs in legal recruitment could be ideal for you. Some legal recruitment companies will run graduate schemes so that you get structured training. On target earnings mean these types of jobs for law graduates could still prove to be lucrative.

Court Reporter Jobs
Graduate law jobs could also be working as a court reporter. As well as an extensive knowledge of legal terms court reporter jobs also require you to be able to use technical recording equipment and you will also need to possess excellent clerical skills. Court reporter jobs can be quite intense as you will need to attend and record court proceedings which could last many hours in a day. This will take a lot of concentration on your part. If you are interested in different types of legal cases, however, court reporter jobs could be ideal for you.

Barrister’s Clerk Jobs
Whilst it isn’t essential to have a degree in Law to do barrister’s clerk jobs, it can often be seen as advantageous as you will have a knowledge of different law terms and proceedings. Barrister’s clerk jobs mean you will essentially be a PA to your barrister with lots of responsibility. Barristers work long hours and you will be expected to work long hours with them. As someone with an interest in law, you could be working on some really interesting cases, as well as looking after all the administrative necessities.

What Do Employers Look For In Their Candidates?
As you can see, there are different types of graduate law jobs out there and some will require you to have various other skills and expertise as well as your law background. However, there are some skills and traits that all employers will look for in their candidates for their graduate law jobs vacancies. Here are a few to consider.

Law graduate jobs will require you to have:
  • Excellent communication skills. This will be communication in person, by phone, in writing and on video. Most types of law graduate jobs are all about building relationships with people from all walks of life. This could be clients, colleagues, superiors and those working in law jobs in a different capacity. Lawyer jobs can also require you to present in court so you will need to be confident in your presentation skills.
  • An impeccable attention to detail. After all, these are graduate jobs in law you are applying for. There is no room for sloppy work with grammar errors, spelling mistakes or a bit of information missed out here and there. As well as employers gaining an idea of your work style on work experience placements such as law vacation schemes, make sure you give a good impression of yourself and your attention to detail by making your application form error free.
  • Excellent organisational skills. Whether you are applying for trainee solicitor jobs, barrister’s clerk jobs, graduate paralegal jobs or other types of law graduate jobs, you will need to be able to multitask. You could be dealing with multiple cases at any one time so you need to be able to organise your workload accordingly and show attention to detail in each case.
  • Networking skills. Networking with others working in various law jobs is a part of your role. You will be representing your firm and by giving a good impression of yourself and earning the respect of peers, you can bring in work for your company. Legal recruitment consultant jobs, in particular, will require to network with those in various legal jobs.
What Is The Salary For Graduate Law Jobs?
Law graduate jobs are amongst the best paid graduate careers out there, depending on the type of role you do. Especially if you are aiming to complete a pupillage to become a barrister, your training will be costly at first but once you are a barrister, you will be able to determine your own fees for your work and these will be sizable. Roles such as legal recruitment consultant jobs tend to have a flat salary and then lucrative bonuses for reaching different targets.

How Can I Progress My Career?
If you are aiming right for the top, barristers, solicitors and legal executives can build up some experience and then eventually apply to be a court judge. Those of you in paralegal jobs or law recruitment consultant jobs can work your way to promotion either with further training in law circles or you can use your skills to work in recruitment or administration in other fields, for example.

Apply For Law Graduate Jobs In The UK
So, are you ready to begin your law career? Take a look to see if there are any current law graduate jobs, law vacation schemes or law training contracts to suit you.

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