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A Guide To Media Graduate Jobs

About Graduate Media Jobs
How many times have you heard your peers say, when they complete university “I’d like to work in media.” Media jobs are one of the most popular career choices out there for graduates but what does it actually mean to do media careers? How many different types of jobs in media are out there?

Chances are, if you are reading this right now, you are hoping to land yourself a dream graduate media job. It might be particular types of media jobs or you could still be toying with a few different options for which direction to take your career in. If the latter is the case for you, then you might be looking to land yourself a place on media graduate schemes with some of the more well known media outlets out there. Media graduate schemes often give you the opportunity to work in different areas of media so that you can get a broad experience.

Although the media industry is diverse and there is a whole range of media jobs out there, competition for vacancies is stiff and many of those who work in the industry either hold a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree. So, if you are looking for media jobs, you’re off to a good start if you are on track for a good degree in a related subject.

A further aspect of jobs in the media industry is that, often, it comes down to your connections. A case of not what you know but who you know. Graduate media jobs can be easier to get if you can prove to your potential employers how committed you are to the role. Many graduates hoping for media careers have done media internships, work experience placements, voluntary work or have even built up connections through their own, independent media activities such as blogging and vlogging.

Any valuable networking you did whilst gaining practical experience in any of these placements whilst at university is going to stand you in good stead for landing graduate media jobs or places on media graduate schemes.
What Are The Different Types Of Media Graduate Jobs?
As we have already mentioned, there are so many different types of jobs in the media industry and, with the pace of change in technology developments, more types of roles are becoming available. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of media graduate jobs you could apply for, depending on your area of expertise.
  • Graduate Journalism Jobs: Graduate journalism could see you working for various outlets. You might want to work in TV journalism or it could be online, newspaper or magazine roles. Graduate journalism jobs could see you covering current affairs, politics, music or fashion, for example. If you have a passion and a knowledge of a particular field, applying for graduate journalism jobs within that field could give you a better chance of landing your ideal media careers.
  • Radio & Television: As well as graduate media jobs in London, radio and television work could also be done for regional or local broadcasters in your area. Also, don’t forget that graduate media jobs for large corporations such as the BBC could be done in the northwest. Graduate Media City jobs could be possible in a variety of fields. Media production jobs, broadcasting and camera operation could all be fields you might want to work in.
  • Graduate Writing Jobs: If you have a flair for the written word and are looking to do graduate media jobs, it doesn’t all have to be about journalism. Writing jobs could be as a columnist, a TV or food critic, a copywriter or blogger. For those of you with a passion for film or drama, media graduate jobs could be as a scriptwriter.
  • Graduate Creative Media Jobs: Graphics, graphic design, digital design, creative art; these are all the types of roles you could work in for graduate media jobs.
  • Press Photography Graduate Jobs: Graduate photography jobs in the media could allow you to indulge your passion. You might be covering anything from local events, to conflict to sport for example.
  • Research: There are many types of graduate jobs in the media industry that are based around research. You could be doing research for an upcoming series that involves the general public or it could be investigative research for a current affairs programme. Market research is also a possibility.
  • Online Publishing: Online publishing is a growing area for those of you looking to build graduate media careers. As well as SEO, blogging and editing online content, social media jobs are also a part of this set up. The importance of online outlets such as Facebook and Twitter is now being realised by some media sources who were perhaps a bit slow on the uptake, originally. Fast and snappy creative content which grabs your target audience is the name of the game for social media jobs.
There are lots of other roles possible for those of you hoping to land graduate jobs in the media. As you can see, there is a lot of overlap between some fields and also various roles you could do within each area. If you have done work experience or internships, you probably have some idea of the types of graduate media jobs you are looking for.

What do Employers Look For In Their Candidates?
Because there is such a wide variety of graduate media jobs out there, there is no one umbrella qualification that employers are looking for. For some roles, you will need a related degree whilst for others, a good degree in most subjects would be acceptable.

As we said above, competition for some media jobs and media graduate schemes is tough. As well as a relevant degree, how are you going to convince potential employers that you are the person for the job? What makes you stand out above the competition?

You need to convince potential employers that you are completely committed to graduate media jobs. This is your passion. Can you provide any examples of work experience?
  • This might be a media internship or internships that you did as an undergraduate.
  • Have you done any voluntary community work such as hospital radio or working at your local newspaper or radio station?
  • If you are looking for graduate media careers that focus on the written word, have you got any examples of your work? Have you had anything published? In the online world, perhaps you are already running a successful blog where you can demonstrate your social media and SEO skills as well as your writing ability.
  • Photographers, have you got a portfolio of your work?
  • Have you got any names up your sleeve? Any people who are already successful in your niche who you may have worked with? Can you get a reference or a testimony from them?
What Is The Salary For Media Graduate Jobs?
For some graduate media jobs and media graduate schemes, your starting salary might not seem too attractive at first glance. However, once you have trained in your role and, depending on the area you are working in, gained professional qualifications, you will be pleased to know that graduate media jobs are some of the highest paid careers out there.

Career Progression
When it comes to progressing your career in graduate media jobs, there is much scope. Some of you could go on to work for some of the UK’s or the world’s top media companies, working in your specialist field. Graduate journalism jobs could see you rise to ranks such as chief correspondent or editor. Depending on the roles you are working in, awards can gain you national and international recognition for your work.

Apply For Media Graduate Jobs In The UK
So, if you think you have got what it takes to survive - and, of course, thrive - in the competitive, fast moving world of media, take a look to see if there are graduate media jobs in your field to suit you.

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