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Product Testing Jobs

Get Paid To Test New Products
Did you know that tons of companies will give away their products for free - or even pay you for testing and reviewing them? Well you do now!

Product tester jobs are a great way for students to either get stuff for free - or even earn some rewards and perhaps a little bit of money with next to no work at all.

Let’s find out how you can grab a piece of the product testing action...

Legitimate Product Testing Sites


Free product testing! Register, apply for product tests and, if you get selected, you get to test products like the iPhone, new cameras and home cinema systems, then keep them afterwards free of charge!

You are also rewarded for your time with LifePoints that can be redeemed for cash via Paypal. Testers are picked at random to participate. If you are selected then the product is sent to you so you can try it out and provide feedback.

It's free to join and there is no obligation to participate so you can keep an eye on the products they have to test and only apply for ones you are interested in.


Participate in online surveys,focus groups or test products!

Product testing research usually lasts between 15 and 60 minutes and is conducted in a venue in your local area. Our researchers are always on-hand during the project to administer the testing and also to conduct interviews to find out your views on the products being tested.

Get £3 for registering and earn more with every product test you complete!

PineCone Research

PineCone Research conducts on-line interviews with consumers from all backgrounds to obtain their opinions about new products.

Earn points for each completed product survey which can be redeemed for cash via BACS.

So you get to test and keep new products before they are available in the shops and you get paid for your feedback!


Receive regular invitations to survey and product testing projects!

Register for free. Participate in online surveys or test products at home & collect mingle points. Exchange points for cash.

No cost, no ties. Your participation is free and voluntary!

What Is Product Testing?
Companies and brands live or die by their products. If they have terrible products then they aren’t going to stay in business for very long.

But how do they know if they have a good product or not?

Of course, they can test them themselves or canvas the opinions of their employees. But the opinions that matter the most are the opinions of the people who might actually pay over good money for their products. The shoppers and consumers of this world are the ones that decide whether a business will succeed or fail.
Research Tribe Product Testing
It costs a great deal of money to bring a product to market, so companies don’t want to spend a whole load of cash on a product that will be a complete flop with consumers. They want to find out very early in the development chain, whether something is going to fly off the shelves. As Lord Sugar would say, they want to ‘smell what sells’.

And that’s why companies and big brands are falling over themselves trying to find out the opinions of people just like YOU. Your feedback on products is really valuable, so that’s why you can make money with jobs in product testing in the UK.
How Do You Become A Product Tester?
If you are keen to test products for free - or even get paid for giving feedback on products which are yet to hit the high streets - then you’ll find everything you need to know in this article.

We’ll help you find the sort of product testing jobs which will suit you the most and we’ll guide you in the right direction so that you’ll only be using reputable companies.

Often, you’ll sign up with a website which specialises in farming out product testing work and, when they have a client onboard who has a new product they want to test, they’ll send you an email to check if you are eligible.

Other websites have special product testing areas where you can see the goods which they are looking to get feedback on. Simply choose the ones you are interested in and apply to be a product tester for that particular item.

You’ll need to fit the demographic profile that the organisation is trying to target with their particular product - right age group, right gender, right location etc.

So, it’s important to note that you won’t always be selected for every single product testing gig you apply for. It can be a bit of a lottery, sometimes, as most of product testing firms have a large pool of users they can call upon. The important thing is to not lose heart if you miss out on a couple of products that you want to try out for free. Keep applying for the ones that interest you most and you are bound to be chosen for something suitable before too long.

Then, when you qualify for a particular test, you’ll either be invited to a site to test the product, or in many cases they’ll send out the good to your house so that you can carry out product testing jobs from home.

Once you’ve tested the product and given feedback, either online or live at the testing site, you’ll either get to keep the product or get paid with cash or rewards - and sometimes you’ll even get both!
What Types Of Product Tester Jobs Are There?
There is no shortage of variety when it comes to product tester jobs. With so many different types of products coming to market, you can pretty much pick and choose to test the products which are of most interest to you.

Just a few examples of the range of product tester jobs you can track down include:
  • Electronic Product Testing Jobs - One for all you techies out there. Test out the latest smartphones, laptops, audio equipment etc.
  • Consumer Product Testing Jobs - Will this brand new pizza topping work...? Earn money and test your palate by trying out new food and drink tastes.
  • Health & Beauty Product Tester Jobs - Get free shampoos, skin care products and review them for cash.
  • Cosmetics Product Tester - Try out new make-ups and lipsticks for big cosmetic firms.
  • Video Game Tester Jobs - Test drive and review the next big thing like Tetris, Minecraft or Grand Theft Auto.
  • Testing Websites - Companies often want lots of people to visit their websites to check that it offers a good user experience and that there are no bugs.
And those general types of product tester jobs are just the tip of the iceberg. If you have a specialist knowledge of more specific types of product within any of those groups then companies will really want you feedback and online reviews.

And that’s when they’ll really start to pay you decent money to take the time to review their latest products...
Are Product Testing Jobs Legit?
Product testing for money sounds too easy right? Surely, paid product testing jobs are run by shady companies or individuals who are never actually going to cough up, right?

Well, it’s fair to say that over the years there have been a few incidents of organisations offering product testing scams. Typically, the product offered is something which they organisation knows will be in high demand, like the latest iPhone, for example.

You might receive an email from an unrecognised source, promising you early access to a ‘free’ iPhone if you simply join a product testing panel. And, of course, the alarm bells should start ringing when you find out that it will cost you £20 or more to join the panel. You send off your money by direct debit (or Paypal or Moneygram or Western Union) only to find out that the iPhone you’ve been longing for never reaches you.

Thankfully, those sorts of product testing scams are the exception to the rule, and, as long as you know what to look out for, it’s pretty easy to spot real product testing jobs where you won’t get your fingers burnt.

To find legitimate product testing jobs, make sure you stick to reliable and respectable trusted websites, or even deal directly with the brand themselves rather than through a third party.

We’ve listed some of the more well-known - and perfectly legit - product testing opportunities for you in the next section.
How Do You Find Product Testing Work?
We’ve already found some for you!

Don’t risk any of the more dodgy types of product testing outfits out there. Stick to these tried and trusted ones which we’ve outlined for you below...
1-4 of 4 jobs

Get Paid To Share your opinions

Opinion Outpost

Work online from anywhere

cash reward for online surveys

Become a paid test user


United Kingdom

On average £30 per hour

Product trst and provide market research feedback

Nova Lift Collection

London, Work From Home

£20.00 per task

1-4 of 4 jobs

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